Saturday, November 19, 2005
Was just reminiscing a little about my wonderful time at The University of Auckland, we actually about “human fly” I really liked being at university I liked my classes so many I enjoyed like Pharmacology, immunology, microbiology and the joy of the engineering papers ;) I really did like it and then there was all the wonderful friends I met and my time with EU (and I met Paul). But yeah the human fly does stick out in my mind! For those who don’t know or haven’t heard the story it’s like a giant wall of bouncy castle with Velcro on it and you wear a suit of Velcro and you run and jump at the wall and you stick to it. Anyway so they had one in the quad and pretty much no one wanted to do it, so I went on it pretty much for a couple of hour straight, now that’s exercise that’s fun! A few others were jumping too and we had competitions and did synchronised jumps. Anyway I remember this very fondly!
Friday, November 18, 2005

For all those who were wondering whats been happening last weekend (long weekend in Canerbury) we went camping. Herei s a picture of our tent with Michials and Lawrences in the background. It was fun we went swimming 3 times in 24 hours!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I just took this photo for holly she asked what our tree was looking like at the moment! It’s looking quite rugged like it needs a trim!! But the irises are looking very nice!!
At the moment Paul is growing all sorts of vegetable type things in the garden he loves it!
Im really looking forward to go to Auckland for Christmas were arriving I think on the evening of the 22/dec and staying till the 9/jan (for the lovely Tammy and Peter wedding) its all going to be alot of fun for all.
Monday, November 07, 2005

Here are some more photos one is of me and Pam who came to visit 2 weeks ago we had such a nice time (also notice the giant iris in the background Mum!)
The other is of the cute cat who hangs out at our house he came inside today as paul and I were tiding all our clothes! We gave about 7 plastic bags full to the salvation army, now our clothes can fit in the draws so hopefully we can have a tidyer room!!