Sunday, July 24, 2005

Someone at work said to me yesterday (paraphared)
busyness is all in in your head i.e its a choice
I dont know that I completly agree, Ive been working alot of over time this week.
I supose it was a choice somewhere back there, anyway speaking of work here is a
picture I took of myself eating lettuce at last years work Christmas BBQ
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To paraphare the mind of the overworked person, Stress is:
The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately deserves it.
That's something worth thinking about, especially when somebody leaves an annoying comment on your bloog.
But, now more than at any other time, musicians seem to have become the prophets that our generation will listen to. If busyness and stress really IS in our mind then we can make choices on how to avoid it. And so I leave you with some wise words that have been sung over our airwaves once upon a time by Rod Argent:
Tell her no no no no no-no-no-no
No no no no no-no-no-no
No no no no no
The ultimate solution to busyness.
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The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately deserves it.
That's something worth thinking about, especially when somebody leaves an annoying comment on your bloog.
But, now more than at any other time, musicians seem to have become the prophets that our generation will listen to. If busyness and stress really IS in our mind then we can make choices on how to avoid it. And so I leave you with some wise words that have been sung over our airwaves once upon a time by Rod Argent:
Tell her no no no no no-no-no-no
No no no no no-no-no-no
No no no no no
The ultimate solution to busyness.
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