Monday, December 19, 2005

So I got this calender from work and it had a picture of seals in it and Paul noticed that one had a face like I sometimes pull...and also my sister Margaret last time I saw her commented that my hair looked like a seal.... need I say anymore, actually we did this photo shoot that very night, I even styled my hair appropriatly ;)
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I often say that I am the most impatient person I know (which makes it a good thing that Paul is so patient) when I took that photo of our lChristmas lights I couldnt wait till it was properly dark when the lights would have looked cooler.
I also have a quote amongst the evening music team at Opawa that is "on the night" it is an expression that is use during a music practise to descibe how you play a song during the performance/church serivce/whereever you are playing. I say it all the time Jamiee and Sasha love to tease me about it! I dont know where I got it from possibly from Naomi? or someone else in the Whangaparaoa Baptist axis band known as "Traction" - good memories!
I also have a quote amongst the evening music team at Opawa that is "on the night" it is an expression that is use during a music practise to descibe how you play a song during the performance/church serivce/whereever you are playing. I say it all the time Jamiee and Sasha love to tease me about it! I dont know where I got it from possibly from Naomi? or someone else in the Whangaparaoa Baptist axis band known as "Traction" - good memories!
Monday, December 05, 2005

Well its that time of year... its been busy but fun.
So warm, its been fun hanging out at Lawrence and Michials new place right by the beach. We played cricket yesterday and went swimming it was so nice.
Put some Chritmas lights up today, we wont get a tree this year because we will be in Auckland, which I cant wait for.
In sadder news we missed out on U2 tickets this morning, but will try again next week to get tickets to the 2nd concert.... which should be more successful I hope.