Monday, December 05, 2005

Well its that time of year... its been busy but fun.
So warm, its been fun hanging out at Lawrence and Michials new place right by the beach. We played cricket yesterday and went swimming it was so nice.
Put some Chritmas lights up today, we wont get a tree this year because we will be in Auckland, which I cant wait for.
In sadder news we missed out on U2 tickets this morning, but will try again next week to get tickets to the 2nd concert.... which should be more successful I hope.
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Yeah those flippin ticket scalper sadoids...
Im annoyed about that. It sold out in record time for New Zealand, faster than any other major concert.
They even had a guy on the news going, "yeah i don't even really like U2 but i'm hoping to make some sweet, sweet cash"
I hope they all choke on their TradeMe accounts :P
Im annoyed about that. It sold out in record time for New Zealand, faster than any other major concert.
They even had a guy on the news going, "yeah i don't even really like U2 but i'm hoping to make some sweet, sweet cash"
I hope they all choke on their TradeMe accounts :P
We got the tickets, this time with in the 1st 10 min. Thanks to Pauls Mum and a bit of organisation!
It is a good feelig...
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It is a good feelig...
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