Saturday, March 25, 2006
I finally got to play Mah Jong last night! Ive been wanting to play for ages! I havnt played isnce a was about 8 or something!
We had Ben Whale and his new wife Karen round for dinner (since waltham fun thing was cancelled due to poor weather) Bens just moved to Christchurch so it was really nice to catch up. He's a mathmatics Phd student so I felt he was suitibly qualified to instruct us on the intracacies of Mah Jong. It went really well although we only got through 2 hands it was really cool to finally play.
So anyone want to learn to play let me know!
We had Ben Whale and his new wife Karen round for dinner (since waltham fun thing was cancelled due to poor weather) Bens just moved to Christchurch so it was really nice to catch up. He's a mathmatics Phd student so I felt he was suitibly qualified to instruct us on the intracacies of Mah Jong. It went really well although we only got through 2 hands it was really cool to finally play.
So anyone want to learn to play let me know!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006

Instead of going to Auckland (cancelled U2 concert) I went to Opawa Baptist Womens camp this weekend. It was a really nice time of refreshing. With Dayle speaking to us all and all the ladies having a really nice time. Some highlights for me include
Travelling with Anita (in the awesome yellow car)
Learning about using our imaginations and accessing our emotions/feelings to better underatand God.
The waterslide with Danielle and Joyce! (see photo)
Playing minigolf with Lynne and Joyce and Kate and me NOT (Thanks for the tip Lynne) throwing a tantrum (this is an acheivement for me!)(also see photo)
Leanring to play the card scrabble game
And just meeting new people and getting to know others more.
And as you may see in the photos enjoying my new haircut!
Oh yeah and on the way home the best fejoa juice I ever did have!
Sunday, March 12, 2006

This photo was taken last night its Paul with one of Lawernce and Michials kittens Kizzy (sorry if its spelt wrong) in his jumper. Its a great photo.
We also had Lucys baby shower yesterday which was a great sucess.
Now Im having a dilema the U2 concert is cancelled so were having to unplann all our plans. Its a shame but thats life.