Saturday, May 26, 2007

Here is the first installment of my pentecost art piece!
People at our church (opawa baptist) spent today relecting on and creating things as part of our annual penetcost festival, I had to work so Ive been working on my own thing (since easter)
Todays installation is in the shape of open arms, its title is "welcome" it is currently on our front lawn for the weekend I guess! (unless people take off with it!)
This has been a very cool process for me and it holds lots of symbols for me to do with hope, where we've come from, family, love, freinds present and distant,reaching out to new people, acceptance, regeneration and taking risks. Which fitted in really well with what I think penecost is all about.
Thats alot for some weird art you may say!
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thanks Anita,
You should have us round for an afternoon of art with rocks... otherwise known as working bee
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You should have us round for an afternoon of art with rocks... otherwise known as working bee
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